Alpine II Orchardgrass is a top-rated, very late-maturing orchardgrass. Late-maturing orchardgrasses can quickly become disease susceptible varieties with lower yield potential, which isn’t the case with Alpine II. It’s able to produce high-quality, disease-free forage later in the season, making it the industry’s go-to for very late orchardgrass, especially as a companion crop with alfalfa, red clover or other legumes. Alpine II Orchardgrass exhibits superb agronomic traits such as strong seedling vigor, quick establishment, and high winterhardiness as well.
Pure Seed | 95.37% | Germination | 85% |
Crop Seed | 0.25% | Date Tested | 4-2023 |
Inert | 4.33% | Net Weight | 50lbs |
Weeds | 0.05% | Origin | OR |
Noxious Weed Seeds / Per Lb: None | |||
For Forage and Pasture Use |