Jerry Oats is a grain that is a quick growing green manure that will kill off any winter weeds and will hold soil with a mat of vegetation! This high yielding oat can produce over 100 bushels per acre. This grain variety is great for garlic beds and other vegetables.
Jerry Oats are THE foundation to any great food plot. Highly favored by deer, this early riser will pop out first and nurse your other seeds along. With 25% crude protein, it is highly digestible, heavy forage production and very tolerant to many types of soils.
Jerry Oats are a dual purpose oat that can be used for grain or forage. They are medium tall with very good straw strength, good test weight and medium high protein. Very good yield standability and a medium maturing oat. Wider leaves, grows taller and yields more forage than “feed mill” oats. Jerry oats are great for fall planting, providing rapid fall growth and will survive down to temperatures in the low 20’s.
Pure Seed | 98.00% | Germination | 85% |
Crop Seed | 0.35% | Date Tested | 3/23 |
Inert | 1.62% | Origin | SD |
Weeds | 0.03% | Net Weight | 50# |